The Education Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92-318) require the establishment or designation of a state commission which shall have as its responsibility comprehensive statewide planning including planning for all public and private postsecondary educational resources in the state.

The state commission is further charged with planning for all educational resources so that such resources are better coordinated, improved, expanded, or altered to meet the needs of all persons within the state who desire, and who can benefit from, postsecondary education. The state commission is required to be broadly and equitably representative of the general public and public and private nonprofit and proprietary institutions of postsecondary education in the state, including community colleges, postsecondary vocational/technical schools and four-year institutions of higher education.

The state commission is charged with specific responsibilities as cited in sections 122, 404, 415, 7021 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 765, 1001, 1056, 1059, 1202, and 1203 of the Higher Education Amendments.

The Council on Higher Education was established in 1969 (RCW 28B.80.010) to facilitate planning for postsecondary education based on the evident need to maintain articulation and coordination among the parts of a more complex system of higher education. The Council is charged by law to engage in overall planning for higher education in the state, and perform the following functions:

(a) Assess and define the educational needs of the state to be served by higher education;

(b)Recommend and coordinate studies to ascertain how defined educational needs are being met;

(c) Study and make recommendations concerning adult education, continuing education and public service programs;

(d) Identify priorities among the defined needs and specify the resources necessary to meet them;

(e) Differentiate roles of the community college system and the individual public institutions and identify the most effective division of responsibility among them in meeting defined needs;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Evans, Governor of the State of Washington, do order and direct that:

1. The Washington State Council on Higher Education is hereby designated as the state commission as provided in section 1202 of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92-318);

2. For the purpose of carrying out the responsibilities of the state commission as provided in Public Law 92-318, and pending legislative action, the following representatives shall be added to the Council on Higher Education:

--The Superintendent of Public Instruction;
--The Director of the Coordinating Council on Occupational Education;
--A representative of vocational technical schools to be appointed by the Governor;
--A representative of vocational and technical education at large to be appointed by the Governor;and
--A representative of postsecondary proprietary education to be appointed by the Governor.

3. In carrying out their functions as members of the state commission, the foregoing representatives shall have the same status, rights and privileges as the members of the Council on Higher Education other than the nine citizen members. The voting power of the nine citizen members and the other representatives while acting as the state commission shall be as provided in RCW 28B.80.050.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the State of
Washington to be affixed at Olympia this
21st day of December A.D., Nineteen hundred and seventy-two.

Daniel J. Evans
Governor of Washington


Secretary of State