(P. L. 92-255)

WHEREAS, the dangerous and serious problem of drug abuse facing our state and nation afflicts suburban and rural as well as urban areas of our state; and Drug abuse, such as heroin addiction, substantially contributes to crime; and

Drug abuse undermines our institutions by inflicting increasing pain and hardship on individuals, families, and communities; and

Coordination of state and local efforts with those of the federal government will increase the effectiveness of efforts to control and treat drug abuse in our state; and

The success of state drug abuse programs and activities requires a recognition of the interrelations of education, treatment, rehabilitation, research, training and law enforcement efforts; and Too little is known about the total extent of drug abuse in our state and the ways to treat and prevent it; and

The State of Washington has drug abuse prevention responsibilities independent of those of the federal government; and

Our responses to the problem of drug abuse, consequently, must be based upon an assessment of its nature and extent in the state, a determination of measurable goals and objectives with respect to drug abuse prevention, and the establishment of response priorities; and

Drug abuse control requires the development, adoption, and implementation of comprehensive and coordinated plans by state and local government and a state master plan; and

Section 409(e) of Title IV of the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972, requires, for the receipt of federal drug abuse prevention funds, the designation, by the Governor of a state, of a sole planning agency to be responsible for supervising the preparation and administration of a state master plan for drug abuse prevention, and the designation of a state drug abuse advisory council; and

The public interest of the citizens of the State of Washington requires that there be a full and effective implementation of the provisions of the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P. L. 92-255), and that this can best be accomplished by a unified administrative and planning program;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel J. Evans, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Washington, do hereby proclaim the following Executive Order:

1. There is hereby created within the Executive Office of the Governor the Drug Abuse Prevention Office which shall be responsible for the general oversight, review, evaluation, and approval of drug abuse prevention activities pursuant to the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 and the coordination of those activities with and among local units of government. The Drug Abuse Prevention Office shall develop and revise as necessary a comprehensive State Master Plan for Drug Abuse Prevention, which plan shall establish priorities for drug abuse programs and, when approved by the Governor, shall constitute the Governor's recommendations to all program agencies for the determination of allocations of state and federal resources for drug abuse prevention, treatment, education, and control.

2. The Drug Abuse Planning Office shall consist of the Inter-Agency Committee on Drug Abuse Prevention, the Governor's Advisory Committee for Drug Abuse Prevention, and the Drug Abuse Prevention Program Coordinator.

3. The Inter-Agency Committee on Drug Abuse Prevention shall consist of the supervisor or administrator of each drug abuse prevention program or office within state government. The members of the Inter-Agency Committee on Drug Abuse Prevention shall assume the primary responsibility for the development of the comprehensive State Plan for Drug Abuse Prevention.

4. The Governor's Advisory Committee for Drug Abuse Prevention shall be an advisory body to the Governor and to the Inter-Agency Committee for Drug Abuse Prevention.

5. The Governor's Advisory Committee for Drug Abuse Prevention shall be appointed by the Governor, and shall consist of persons representative of the different geographical areas of the State, and non-governmental, organizations and groups and local governmental agencies concerned with the treatment and prevention of drug abuse and drug dependence.

6. The Drug Abuse Prevention Program Coordinator shall be designated by the Governor and shall report to the Governor or such other officer as the Governor may provide. The Coordinator shall act as Chairman of the Inter-Agency Committee on Drug Abuse Prevention.

7. The Governor may enter into contracts, and cooperative or other agreements to secure for the Drug Abuse Prevention Office staff and administrative support as well as to otherwise effectuate and implement the intent and purposes of this Executive Order.

8. The Drug Abuse Prevention Office shall be a planning agency advisory to the Governor; the Office shall not assume the administration of drug abuse prevention programs not directly related to its planning responsibilities unless these programs cannot be located within an existing state agency.

9. The Drug Abuse Prevention Office is authorized to accept any other responsibilities required of the sole state agency by the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 and pursuant and subsequent federal regulations and to delegate any of its responsibilities to appropriate agencies.

10. Executive Order No. 72-06a dated June 12, 1972, is hereby rescinded.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the State of
Washington to be affixed at Olympia this
27th day of June A.D., Nineteen hundred and seventy-three.

Daniel J. Evans
Governor of Washington


Secretary of State