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Treasures of the Digital Archives: Alhambra Cabins – Soap Lake

Alhambra Cabins – Soap Lake

Alhambra Cabins—Soap Lake, Washington, Conservation Department, Planning and Development Division, Lantern Slide Shows, 1910-1939, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives. Original item held at Washington State Archives, Olympia, WA.

This charming image of tourist cabins at Soap Lake is one of a series of 265 hand-colored glass lantern slides taken between 1920 and 1930 to promote tourism in Washington. Images show the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam, the Columbia Basin Project, the benefits of irrigation and water projects to Washington State, building projects, hotels, garages, dams, fishing and recreational activities, transportation facilities, shipwrecks, and scenic views of forests and rivers. A set of postcards from these slides is available from the Office of the Secretary of State.

Explore the Conservation Department, Planning and Development Division, Lantern Slide Shows Collection.