Boards and Commissions

Robert Bree Collaborative, The

RCW 70.250.020

Establishes a collaborative to provide a mechanism through which public and private health care purchasers, health carriers, and providers can work together to identify effective means to improve quality health outcomes and cost-effectiveness of care. The collaborative will identify and review certain high-variation or high-utilization health care services in Washington state that do produce better care outcomes for patients.  The collaborative will consider and develop strategies that promote improved care outcomes, such as patient decision aids, provider feedback reports, centers of excellence or other provider qualification standards, and research to improve care quality and outcomes.

Number of appointments by Governor:


Term in Years:

At the pleasure of the Governor




The members include:

  • Three representatives of self-funded purchasers for employees;

  • Two representatives of health carriers or third party administrators that have the most fully insured and self-funded covered lives in Washington state;

  • One representative of a health maintenance organization having the most fully insured and self-insured covered lives in Washington state;

  • One representative of a national health carrier, chosen from among three nominees submitted by the association of Washington health plans ;

  • Two physicians, one of which is a primary care provider (either a family physician, an internal medicine physician, or a general pediatrician), representing clinics with fewer than 50 physicians, selected from lists of nominees submitted by the Washington state medical association ;

  • Two physicians representing the largest hospital-based physician systems in the state, selected from a list of five nominees submitted jointly by the Washington state medical association and the Washington state hospital association;

  • One osteopathic physician selected from a list of five nominees submitted by the Washington state osteopathic medical association;

  • Three representatives of hospital systems, at least one of which is responsible for quality, submitted from a list of six nominees from the Washington state hospital association;

  • Two representatives of state-purchased health care programs; and

  • One representative of the Puget Sound Health Alliance.

Number of yearly meetings:


PDC Filing:


Senate Confirmation Required:


Current Members (pdf)