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Coalition makes case to replace viaduct

For Immediate Release: March 31, 2011

Gov. Chris Gregoire, King County Executive Dow Constantine, Seattle City Council President Richard Conlin and Seattle Port Commission President Bill Bryant spoke today about the need to move forward with the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement without delay.

“The talk about changing course and revisiting the same issues we’ve been debating for years is nothing new,” Gregoire said. “But to change course now – after more than 10 years of public debate – will set the city of Seattle back and force taxpayers to shoulder a huge burden. According to the state’s Department of Transportation, delay would cost $54 million between now and August and another $20 million each month thereafter.”

Constantine also talked about the need for progress on the viaduct’s replacement while highlighting the project’s importance to transit. “I need to be able to assure that our Metro buses and new RapidRide bus rapid transit – already serving communities south of us, and moving quickly into Ballard and West Seattle – will not be stuck in gridlock through downtown,” Constantine said. “The tunnel is an approved solution that has state funding, and building it is the best way to deliver transit dollars today and in the future.”

In addition to transit, the tunnel will also help support the region’s economy. Not only will the project open up Seattle’s waterfront for business, the tunnel will allow traffic to and from the Port of Seattle to continue along SR 99 during construction.

“Tens of thousands of jobs depend on traffic moving from major highways to the Port of Seattle. We can’t afford to let our economic engine get stalled in traffic,” Bryant said.

“By moving the majority of vehicles off our waterfront, we can establish a welcoming waterfront that enhances our maritime and local economy, and provides pedestrians and bicyclists a safer corridor,” Conlin said.

Also in attendance were state Rep. Judy Clibborn, chair of the House of Representatives’ Transportation Committee, and Seattle City Councilmembers Jean Godden, Bruce Harrell and Nick Licata.