Gov. Gregoire Announces Legislation to Fight Global Warming

For Immediate Release: January 14, 2008

SEATTLE � Gov. Chris Gregoire today announced major climate change legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create clean energy jobs.

Her legislation would direct the state Department of Ecology to design a regional carbon cap and trade proposal; require annual emissions reporting by all significant generators of greenhouse gases; and create new �green collar jobs� programs to provide training and apprenticeship opportunities.

�Washington can and must do its part to reduce our contribution to global climate change. While the federal government drags it feet addressing the global climate challenge, our state will continue to lead in partnership with the Legislature and our business and environmental partners,� the Governor said. �We choose action � and clearly defined results.�

Flanked by King County Executive Ron Sims, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, as well as legislative, regional business and environmental leaders, Gregoire cited the need to protect Washington�s valued environment and vibrant economy.

�It is our responsibility to protect our planet for a cleaner, more sustainable world,� she said. �We must save the planet for our children and for our grandchildren.�

The governor also noted how the fight against global warming will help us save money on utilities and gas in the long run by reducing our reliance on older fossil fuel energy.

"With this legislation, the governor is leading the way toward creating a clean energy future for all the people of Washington State," King County Executive Ron Sims said. "Reducing emissions through market-based mechanisms will help ensure that our state continues to thrive in the 21st century and that our citizens' health and safety are protected from the negative impacts of global warming. As we have shown in King County, sound climate policy lays the foundation to save money, create jobs and grow our economy.�

"Cities have helped lead the way in the fight against global warming, but we can't succeed on our own. It's important that all levels of government � regional, state and federal � work together to cut climate pollution," Nickels said. "The governor's bill is a strong step in the right direction for Washington. And it will help ensure that the economic opportunities created by addressing climate change benefit working families in Seattle and across the state."

Because of Washington�s reliance on hydroelectricity, addressing global warming pollution and its negative impact on our mountain snow pack is paramount.

�To have a sustainable world, we all have to work together to solve what's causing climate change," said Stephen P. Reynolds, chairman, president and CEO of Puget Sound Energy. �I applaud Governor Chris Gregoire for the work we're doing on her Climate Advisory Team to examine the science and solutions to the problem. The governor�s bill will take us another step forward in setting up the processes and procedures to work together at all levels � local, state, regional, federal and global � to find a solution that will protect the planet for future generations.�

The environmental community backs the governor�s plan to take our climate change problem head-on and leave a legacy of cleaner water and air.

�With the Climate Action and Green Jobs bill, Governor Gregoire is leading Washington to real climate solutions and a healthier future,� said Climate Solutions� Policy Director KC Golden. �Rising to the climate challenge is our generation�s responsibility. And, by stepping up to that responsibility, Governor Gregoire is opening the door to our brightest promise � a healthy, clean economy with opportunity for all. They don�t call this �The Evergreen State� for nothing!�
